Lantern (Contacts & Launcher)


not available

Call log button is newly added at the first of phone book indices.Contacts' image is added at the left of the list. If you tap it contacts detail will appear.Every time you long press the lantern on lower right this application's function switches and switches back.If your device has accelerator censor, you can slide the indices or apps icons without swipe by your finger.Those moves right and left by means of just tilting your phone or tablet.The sensitivity of the sensor is adjustable.
This app reads your contacts data at start up automatically.The contacts data creation, modification is done through Android contacts app.
First 12 apps of this launcher is configurable. You can put your favorites.
Configuration menu appears when you long press the center of application top. This version of app doesn't show action bar.
More information of contacts and launcher function is on the article of “Pine”.